As we continue the K-8 redistricting process, we are pleased to invite the community to highlight areas of interest (i.e., neighborhoods, streets), with an interactive, online mapping tool - ARCGIS.

This resource will allow the community to review an updated scenario based on the collaboration with the School Committee at its January 9th meeting and community engagement. The updated scenario was presented to the community at a Let’s Talk! session on redistricting held January 16, 2025.

The community can provide visual feedback and written comments to DillingerRAD, the consultant supporting APS with this process. For more information on how to utilize the tool, please check here. Access to this link or the QR code below will close on Friday, January 24, 2025.

In Spring 2025, the School Committee will review the proposed redistricting options and vote on the preferred redistricting plan. The approved redistricting plan will be implemented in the 2026-27 school year. This allows the district sufficient time to operationally plan for the new school zones.

We appreciate your feedback.

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