In Andover Public Schools, we prepare our students for a future that demands a combination of strong academic abilities and essential social skills to successfully navigate a diverse and rapidly changing world.
The Vision of the Graduate outlines the community’s and school district’s goals and expectations for each student. By specifying the key skills, attitudes, and dispositions, the Vision of the Graduate identifies the desired outcomes for every student who graduates from Andover Public Schools, ensuring they are equipped with academic excellence and the essential skills needed to collaborate and thrive in an interconnected world.
Vision of the Graduate Timeline

Andover Public School's
Vision of the Graduate

Examples of the Vision of the Graduate
High School
AHS Physics Club
Andover High School “SPEEDers” spent 2 weeks researching high-energy particle physics at the German Electron Synchrotron in Hamburg, Germany.
CERN Press Releases:- Students from Estonia, Japan and the USA win the 11th edition of Beamline for Schools (June 25th, 2024)
2024 Beamline for Schools winners at CERN and DESY (October 1st, 2024)
DESY Press Release:- 2024 Beamline for Schools winners begin experiments (September 19th, 2024)
Local News:- The Eagle Tribune: AHS students bound for Germany after winning international physics competition (July 12th, 2024)