Good evening, Andover High School Families, this is Jimmy D’Andrea, Principal of Andover High School, with your Sunday evening message.
Senior Parking Lot Closed on Tuesday, March 25
Andover High School is a polling site for the town elections this Tuesday, March 25. As a result, we have to make some parking adjustments. Seniors who normally park in the Senior Lot (by the tennis courts) will not be able to drive to school this Tuesday. If you have a senior who normally parks in the Senior Lot, I would ask that you please work with your student to figure out a different plan for getting to and from school on Tuesday. For all families, please expect traffic to be heavier than usual around the school Tuesday, so please allow extra time in the morning and afternoon.
English/Language Arts MCAS Testing for Grade 10: Tuesday, March 25 – Wednesday, March 26
All students in grade 10 will be participating in English/Language Arts MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) Testing this Tuesday, March 25, and Wednesday, March 26, from 8:15 am until approximately 11:15 am. While passing the MCAS is no longer a graduation requirement, the assessments provide key data about each student’s progress in mastering grade-level expectations. Therefore, all students in grade 10 are encouraged to put forth their best effort on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Modified Bell Schedules: Tuesday, March 25 – Wednesday, March 26
Due to the MCAS Testing this week, we will be using modified bell schedules on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Virtual Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting: Wednesday, March 26
Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) will be hosting a virtual meeting this Wednesday, March 26, at 7:00 pm via Zoom. In addition to PAC business, I will be providing information about the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, a program that we are considering for Andover High School. If you would like to attend, please sign up by Tuesday, March 25.
Junior Prom: Tickets on Sale During Week of April 7
Our Junior Prom is scheduled for Saturday, May 3, from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm at Atkinson Country Club in New Hampshire. Tickets will be sold after school in the cafeteria during the week of April 7. Tickets are $100 each and may be purchased using cash or check. Each junior may purchase up to 2 tickets, and juniors who would like to bring non-AHS guests must complete a Junior Prom Guest Form before purchasing a ticket for their guest. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Michelle Chachus, one of the Junior Class Sponsors, at
Senior End-of-Year Activities: Payment Due Friday, April 18
Earlier this month all seniors and their families received an important letter with information about senior end-of-year celebrations. The deadline to pay for these events is Friday, April 18.
Senior Safari: Deadline to Register is Friday, May 2
Senior Safari is a substance-free, all-night graduation party that is sponsored by parents and completely separate from other end-of-year senior activities. It takes place in the field house on the night of Monday, June 2, after our graduation ceremony. The cost is $58 per senior, including a t-shirt, and the deadline to register is Friday, May 2. Requests for financial assistance can be e-mailed to Ms. Aixa de Kelley, Director of Guidance, at For more details on the event, and to register, please visit the Senior Safari 2025 Website.
Summer Geometry Course Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 1
Students taking Algebra 1 in Grade 9 this year have the opportunity to take Geometry over the summer if they are interested. The course will meet Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm, beginning Monday, June 23, and concluding Thursday, July 24. The cost is $600, and the deadline to register is Thursday, May 1. For more information, please see the Summer Math Course Overview.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your support of Andover High School, and have a great evening!