Monday, February 3rd, your child's report card will be released through the Parent Portal. We wanted to share some information about the grading system that we use at APS. Please reach out directly to your child's teacher for any additional questions about your child's report card.
The standards listed on the report cards are grade-level standards taken directly from the Massachusetts State Curriculum Frameworks and explicitly state what students must know and be able to do. The standards serve as the foundation for the curriculum chosen, guide the pedagogy enlisted to deliver the curriculum, and become the target for our assessments, both formative and summative.
The report card will use indicators that illustrate each individual’s progress in meeting these academic standards. Note: The standards are end-of-year standards. It is not unusual for most students to be "Developing" along these standards at this point in the school year.
M - Meets the standard
- The student can apply the standard with independence
- The student demonstrates mastery of or proficiency in that standard
- The student is able to apply the standard in a variety of contexts
D - Developing
- The student applies the standard with varied consistency, quality, or independence
- The student is making progress toward mastery of or proficiency in the standard.
B - Beginning
- The student has not yet reached the understanding to apply the standard.
- The student is making early progress toward mastery of or proficiency in the standard.
Parent Teacher Conference will be held in March- teachers will be in touch with dates and times.