West Elementary School is looking for 2-3 parent guardians to join the School Council. A school council is a representative, school building-based committee composed of the principal, parents, teachers, community members and, at the secondary level, students, required to be established by each school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C. While not a governing body, the School Council meets in an advisory capacity to review and discuss the four following areas:
Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards
Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school
Reviewing the annual school building budget
Formulating a school improvement plan
The West El School Council will meet four times a year for hour long meetings after school (4:00-5:00PM). The council will determine if the meetings will be in-person, virtual, or a hybrid composition based on council member votes. The council is a 2-year parent commitment. Nominations will be accepted until October 7,2024. From there, representatives may be voted upon by the school community if the interest supports more than 3 team members. If you are interested please complete the following form https://forms.gle/34ve3v6yE5djtamh8
Pick Up Patrol
We know that there are times when families have a need to make a change to their child’s usual dismissal routine. PickUp Patrol is an app-based system where users can quickly alert the school of a change in dismissal routine for that day. Changes will be allowed until 2:30 PM each day, at which point no dismissal changes will be accepted.
How It Works:
- Your child’s regular dismissal plan from Aspen has been entered into the system. This is called their Default Plan.
- Whenever your child is following a plan other than their Default Plan you’ll submit the change using the PickUp Patrol app.
Examples of a plan change:
· Your child has a doctor's appointment and will be leaving early.
· Your child normally rides the bus but is getting picked up today.
· Your child normally goes to an afterschool program but will be taking the bus today.
- 3. When the change is submitted, the school will be notified. Before the end of the school day, the teachers are notified and we’ll relay the change to your child.
If you have any questions, please first check the PUP Parent Guide, then contact us in the main office. Please remember that PickUp Patrol changes only reflect that single day, not the on-going default plans. If you need to make a change to a default plan, please do so in the Aspen portal, or feel free to email Nicole or Rose in the office who will make sure that default plan is reflected.
West Elementary Breakfast
We need your help! Please remind your child that he/she should not access breakfast unless they have not otherwise eaten that morning. Many students are coming inside to socialize and too much food is being wasted. Our breakfast only runs from 8:45-9:00 AM and we still have nearly 40 children in the space at 9:00 each day. Children are late to class, marked absence and families worried when they receive a phone call stating the child was tardy or absent. With the exception of a late school bus, breakfast will have a 'hard close' just before 9:00 and students must report to class. Families who access our car pool lane or walk should plan on leaving with ample time to make the 8:45-9:00 AM . No food is permitted in the classrooms.